5 commitments for the environment

2021 commitments of Arsayo written on a card

As you may know, the Arsayo brand is commited to sustainable fashion and ethical manufacturing, environmentally friendly materials, fair trade, local production in Europe ... 

But do you know how we act daily through 5 simple actions?

1. Sustainable packaging

When you order a bag from our website, it is wrapped in an organic cotton bag (made in Spain) and then shipped in a thick paper envelope, 30% recycled and 100% recyclable (made in France).

Moreover, at the shop each Arsayo bag is also packed in a recycled PET tote bag (made out from plastic bottles).

2. Reuse of plastic bags

Internally, we ship the bags from the Portuguese factory to our Paris office in individual plastic bags that protect them during the journey and to store them properly. Once the backpacks are sold, these bags are sent back to the workshop and reused endlessly to protect new Arsayo bags.

3. Fixing your bags

While our Suber collection has a 2 years warranty, we also take care of our old collections even after the guarantee. We don't like to know an Arsayo bag was left in a closet for small tears that could be easily fixed. Because each scenario is unique, please contact us for any repairing services.

4. Collecting cork

Yes, we swear by the cork! And the good news is that this amazing material can also be recycled. At the Arsayo boutique in Paris, we collect your corks to send them back to a recycling circuit, where they will end up shredded and reassembled as insulation boards for buildings.

5. Donations to associations

We occasionally donate our profits to causes and associations that are close to our hearts (Veg-up, animal sanctuaries...). In the midst of the covid-19 crisis, we wanted to help the Paris Hospitals - French Hospitals Association, which supports the nursing staff. Thanks to your online purchases during this period, we were able to make a substantial donation to them.

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