COVID-19 : Arsayo supports the French hospitals

photo of two hands joigned by a heart
Faced with the health crisis which has been going on for weeks, months, around the world, France is more than ever in a state of emergency.

The medical profession, the real heart of the country in this pandemic period, is running out of steam due to lack of resources.


It is our duty as citizens to help and relieve them as much as we can!


At Arsayo, we felt concerned from the first day.

As a French, family and active company, we therefore decided to act.

We have been thinking for several weeks now about the best way to help caregivers and what to put in place to give them immediate and concrete support, help that will be able to make a difference tomorrow and relieve them in their daily lives as soon as possible .

We then concerted with our relatives (doctors and nurses), who are directly affected by this lack of supplies and really know the reality of the situation, in order to be able to think about the best possible decision.

We contacted many organizations and associations, to seek and find the best possible partnership, the one that came to the aid of the nursing staff as quickly as possible, so that they in turn could come to the aid of people in urgent need of care due to this virus that strikes the whole world.

But we also wanted to find a partner who corresponds to the ethical values ​​of Arsayo, the ones that we communicate to you regularly, it is the typhoon who we are.

Finally, we all consulted, among the members of the team, to find out what the company could actually do, to act quickly and well. And it was together, after all this research and investigation, we found what seemed to us the best solution.

As you know, the Arsayo company has remained open since the beginning of containment because we are able to continue to ensure the shipment of the bags, while respecting the rules of hygiene and above all without putting any life in danger.

This is why, from April 12 to 19, we decided to send 100% of the profits from our sales to the association of Paris Hospitals - Hospitals of France


We know that the period is special and maybe even very hard, this is also why during the whole period of this campaign, we make a discount of - 10% on all the articles of our site.

The actions of the Paris Hospitals - Hospitals of France association. since the beginning of the crisis, in 4 key points it is:

• Already more than 100 Hospitals and nursing homes assisted and supported across France

• 20,000 digital tablets provided to fight isolation

• 50,000 meals offered to nursing staff

• 20,000 toiletry kits provided to caregivers

Video post from Danuta, director of the Fondation :

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

To find out what actions and measures have been taken by the Paris Hospitals association, see THIS LINK.

To contribute to this donation by offering you an Arsayo bag, see THE PRODUCT PAGE.

See you soon.

Take care of yourself, 

and #StayHome


Arsayo family

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