F.A.K.E., the ethical movement

F.A.K.E. Movement logo

The F.A.K.E. Movement (Fashion for Animal Kingdom and Environment) is a solidarity movement created in May 2019 by Jonathan Ohayon, Arasayo's co-founder. Its goal is to promote brands that respect humans, the environment and the animals.

It offers several kinds of events, such as interviews, fashion shows, "pop-up" events, or the establishment of the very 1st museum on vegan and ethical fashion in Los Angeles. In Paris, F.A.K.E. moved to the famous Galeries Lafayette, where we held different events during the opening of the new store located in the 15th arrondissement. Every day, we hosted different brands and conferences, as well as artistic events.

F.A.K.E. Movement has a website where you can find more than 100 ethical brands, the Fakers.

The brothers Ary (co founder Arsayo) and Jonathan (founder of the F.A.K.E. movement)

Since the start of the health crisis, the movement has reinvented itself, and thus offers virtual events such as a 100% virtual fashion show *. Also, each week, a “virtual pop-up” is set up to promote the Fakers. On social networks, F.A.K.E. offers interactive live discussions with personalities from the fashion and the activist worlds.

The origin of the creation of F.A.K.E.

Jonathan Ohayon :  While doing several Fashion shows, I realized that there was a lack of highlighting brands like Arsayo, that is to say Vegan AND Ethical brands. It's usually either one or the other ... So I decided to create a small "Pop Up" event with several brands that share our values in Los Angeles (where I  live). The "F.A.K.E. pop-up" was such a success that we organized more. The movement was born and our goal is to join forces to make the world of fashion more ethical.

Why F.A.K.E.?

Jonathan Ohayon : When I was little, I always had so-called “fake” t-shirts from brands that were too expensive for me. I always had the idea in mind to create a “Fake” brand so that people would be happy to wear “fake”! Fake is a bad meaning word which is transformed to become a powerful acronym: Fashion for Animal Kingdom and Environment. Today, it is possible to dress with "fake leather", "fake wool" or "fake fur" while being Fashion and ethical.

Top 3 of the best memories

Jonathan Ohayon : The very first pop-up! Realizing that all the participating brands came together by sharing their contacts and tips for a more lucrative and ethical model, it was really very encouraging! There are also the media reactions! Having several media, such as Vogue, which published an article talking about the movement and the ethical brands, was very satisfying! And to finish, the very 1st F.A.K.E. Fashion show in Paris ! It was the biggest event held simultaneously with Los Angeles and Tel Aviv at Christmas 2019.

The future of the F.A.K.E movement.

Jonathan Ohayon : The movement is above all a commitment to shake up Fashion so that it becomes fairer. F.A.K.E. will always listen to the market to offer the best solutions in this ethical direction. We are open to all collaboration proposals! Our goal is to promote ethical fashion and support brands that share these values.

Discover the F.A.K.E. movement: 

Website : Fakemovement.com

Instagram : @fakemovement

Tik Tok : @fakemovement

*Virtual Fashion show : On Instagram

The "Fakers"

The F.A.K.E. Museum

The F.A.K.E. Fashion show in Paris

@kiko.sunflowersoul with whom we collaborated for the F.A.K.E. Fashion show in Paris 

F.A.K.E. Corner at the Galeries Lafayette in Paris

F.A.K.E. Photo shoot for the Xmas F.A.K.E. Giveaway

Jonathan Ohayon, Founder of the F.A.K.E. Movement

They talk about F.A.K.E.:

Vogue Italia : Read here!

The Vegan Review : Read here!

Plant based news : Read here!

Apparel News : Read here!

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