Our sanctuary

"The animal righs cause is our fuel"
Ary Ohayon, co founder Arsayo, created his sanctuary for the victims of the meat and the Fashion industries.
A sanctuary, what is it ? Quite simply, a place for animals who have survived traumatic and difficult experiences. In a sanctuary, unlike shelters, the animals live and stay until the end of their days so that they can live peacefully in a single place dedicated to their well-being.
It was this sensitivity and activism for the animal cause that prompted Ary to create his own sanctuary. It all started within the association The Save Movement, in Paris, whose actions he co-organized. The Save Movement is a pacifist organization, which campaigns in front of slaughterhouses to raise awareness, inform and give visibility to the reality of the victims of the meat industry.
During one of these actions, Ary met a couple of farmers, who had come to deposit a herd of lambs. “The activism is not against people, but against an unjust system." underlines Ary Ohayon. People who raise animals choose this job out of love for the animals, but reality catches up with them with a tragic end at the slaughterhouse and endless debt. After some discussions with them, the farmers agreed to welcome Ary and the activists to their farm. Ary came to propose to save two of the lambs outside the slaughterhouse. In gratitude for this gesture, the farmers will be supported by Refarm’d *, an organization that helps in the conversion to an alternative and lucrative system. This very symbolic action between farmers and activists was filmed by an Australian couple, That Vegan Couple (Youtube) **. And that's how the sanctuary was born, in September 2019.
Today, it has nearly twenty surviving hens, four sheep, and three cats rescued from tough situations. And in 2020, a lamb was born within the sanctuary. He was named Espoir ("Hope" in French), as a symbol for the animal cause, but also because he had very little chances of surviving, his mother having arrived at the sanctuary very weak, with the consequences of abuse. But Espoir survived, and he's in great shape today !
Chew, our dear female sheep rescued in front of the slaughterhouse
Over there, the animals have large spaces. This allows the sheep to graze freely, and also have a place for their hay. Sheep require more care than other animals, such as quarterly stool checks for been dewormed or even spring shearing, as the current climate is very humid and hot for them. The hens, on the other hand, often arrive at the sanctuary in poor condition, because they come from industrial factory farms. They are therefore quarantined for the time of their recovery, before living a peaceful life with their fellows.
But Ary’s plans for the sanctuary are still numerous! He wants to expand the land, to accommodate more survivors, as well as new facilities such as shelters or fences.
Ultimately, Arsayo would like to communicate about the sanctuary in order to give it visibility, and give the opportunity to people who wish to become aware of the animal cause. The sanctuary will also, in the near future, be open to visits to show the new life of the animals saved by associations like The Save Movement ***.
In order to be able to help the development of the sanctuary, it will itself become a non-profit organization, and will be able to collect external donations, thus allowing more miracles to join the family!
* Refarm'd proposes to help the farmers to switch to an alternative system: https://fr.refarmd.com/
** Jaquie & Chew rescue in front of the slaughterhouse (That Vegan Couple, Youtube): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByD_4g1P67w&feature=youtu.be
*** The Save Movement proposes peaceful actions in front of the slaughterhouses: thesavemovement.org
It all started with peaceful actions in front of slaughterhouses...
"For a better world more respectful to the humans, the environment and the animals"