Blog Arsayo

AppleSkin™, une matière alternative au cuir innovante
As you know, at Arsayo, we are passionate about initiations that respect the environment and the animals. Let us introduce you to AppleSkin™, our latest favorite and innovative neo-leather that is still made in Europe. We have launched our brand...
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Jour de la Terre : nos conseils pour la préserver 🙏
  The origins of this eventWorld Earth Day was first celebrated on April 22, 1970, and is today recognized as the world's most popular environmental event, celebrated by more than 500 million people, in 184 countries.It was founded by US...
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Adoptez, n'achetez pas !
In the Arsayo team, this topic is close to our hearts, and we have each adopted a little animal person. We deeply believe in this solidarity between species...
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Pourquoi fabriquer en Europe ?
At Arsayo, we are transparent. And today we want to tell you more about our commitments, our background and our ambitions!2021 was a turning point for our brand. Indeed, this year allowed us to put an end to our old...
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Féminisme, tant qu'il le faudra !
Le sujet a explosé récemment dans les médias et sur les réseaux sociaux, et il était temps, car il nous concerne tous : le féminisme.

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 8 mars, Journée internationale de la femme, et toujours une lutte pour les droits, car les femmes du monde entier méritent bien plus qu'une rose, n'est-ce pas ?
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